Monday, September 30, 2019

Multiplier and Accelerator Theory Essay

Multiplier and accelerator theory The Keynesians, have offered a demand side explanation of the business cycle. According to them, the fluctuations in output and employment in the country are caused by fluctuations in aggregate demand. The ups and downs in aggregate demand are caused by changes in the volume of investment. The volume of investment is directly related to the marginal efficiency of capital. The investment increases in response to higher marginal efficiency of capital and decreases with the fall in the profit expectations of the entrepreneurs. The Keynesians further put forward the theory of multiplier which shows how the increase or decrease in investment causes multiplied changes in income and employment and thus heightens a boom or deepens a depression. The Keynesians failed as they did not explain the cyclical nature of the ups and downs in business cycle. J. R. Hicks and Professor Samuelson put forward a new theory of business cycle named as Multiplier and Accelerator Theory of business cycle.†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Multiplier and Accelerator Theory†¨According to J. R. Hicks and Samuelson, the multiplier alone cannot explain the cyclical nature of the business cycle. It is the interaction between the multiplier and accelerator that explains the emergence of different phases of business cycle. The multiplier tells us that a change in the level of autonomous investment brings about a relatively greater change in the level of national income. The accelerator theory states that the current investment spending depends positively on the expected future growth of real GDP. When real GDP growth is expected to be high, firms anticipate that their investment in plants and equipment will be profitable. They, therefore, increase their total investment spending.†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨The concept of accelerator is not rival to the concept of multiplier. They are parallel concepts. The multiplier shows the effect of changes in autonomous investment to changes in income’ and employment. The accelerator shows the effect of changes in income to changes in induced investment. Professor Samuelson and J. R. Hicks model of multiplier accelerator offers quite satisfactory explanation of explaining turning points to business cycle.†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Interactive role of multiplier and accelerator.†¨The multiplier-accelerator interaction theory of business cycle is explained now in brief. Let us assume a certain amount of autonomous investment is injected into the economy. This would generate an expansion of income many  times greater than itself on account of the operation of the multiplier mechanism. The increase in income would lead to rise in demand for consumer goods. The increase in demand for consumer goods induces more investment in the capital goods industries. The increase in investment would be much more than the increase in demand for consumer goods owing to the operation of the accelerator. The interaction of the multiplier and accelerator sets in the upswing of the trade cycle.†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨The rise in income and employment does not continue for a long time. The rise in income and employment progressively slows down. The reason is that the marginal propensity to consume starts declining with the rise in income in the upward swing of the business cycle. A decrease in consumption would result into a greater decrease in investment on account of reverse working of the accelerator A decrease in investment would lead to a greater decrease in income on account of the reverse working of the multiplier In short the combination of reverse working of the accelerator and multiplier sets in downward swing in the business cycle.†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Interactive role of multiplier and accelerator†¨ †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Ala = Increase in autonomous – investment†¨Ala = Increase in autonomous investment†¨Ay = Increase in income†¨Aid = Increase in induced investment †¨v = Size of the accelerator

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Educator In Community Essay

Initial assessment should focus on learning styles and knowledge level of students. This can be accomplished by asking the expectation of students, activities that they want to participate in and through an assessment of existing skills and competencies. The nurse educator must then mediate the course objectives with the result of these tests: assessment of the class must be bridges with the target outcomes for students (Priest, 2004). Instructional strategies should include literature, practical demonstrations and activities as well investigative or research activities. Reading materials should be supported by activities that will allow the students to experience what they have read. Further reinforcement should be done through participation in discussions and research activities. Processing by students of the strategies and assessment by the teachers performance can then be used to determine shat activities or strategies is most effective for the class (Gay et al, 2006). Testing of students should assess their understanding of the significance of each element in the educational program. Evaluation of which teaching strategy, literature, practical or research based activities, should be done as a means of initial assessment and to gauge what strategy will be used in the program. Similar settings for health education should be assess individually, either anonymously or through personal or written by students, as well as a group to promote collaboration among participants and the nurse education. Nurse educators in community and staff education settings have to be sensitive regarding their audience and at the same time must not discriminative regarding the level of learning requires of their students (Blair, 2004; Priest, 2004). This entails effective assessment tools to gauge topic knowledge and the learning style of students (Gay et al, 2006). Nurse educators must expect that strategies must respond to the characteristics of their audience rather than the reverse and that. This will entail constantly redeveloping teaching methods to allow communities to work collaboratively with nurse educators in promoting long-term and sustainable health programs.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Amazon in ECommerce

com has revolutionized the selling and purchasing of all products over the internet. It started with selling books over the internet and progressed in selling almost all consumer goods within a short span of time. Its engineering and quality principals make sure that all the various standard compliances are met and justified for improving the system behavior for its customers. Customers have now moved from the brick and mortars model, a traditional model for purchase of products, to the click and mortars model for ease of access, anytime anywhere access, take part in auctions and avail several promotion offers and gifts. The very perspective towards retail buying has been changed by The virtual store concept is quite likely followed by many retailers after the success of and they have created a benchmark for its products and selling models define the very success over the long period since its inception. Question 2: Comparisons have been made by giant bookstore retailer Barnes Nobles and Barnes and Noble operate dozens of bookstores in many local communities. Yet’s reach goes anywhere and everywhere with the Web. What, in your opinion, should Barnes and Nobles do to compete with Answer 2: Barnes and Nobles must identify the very future requirements for its physical bookstores and come up with â€Å"click and mortars† model for fetching the right customer focus and model. Identifying the competition around and the changing outlook of the customers towards decision making for purchasing products is the greatest differentiator for change. The decision making for taking the business of Barnes Nobles over the internet would make sure that all the various present disadvantages would be capitalized upon. The brand mark of Barnes Nobles makes sure that every activity towards the envelopment of skyrocketing technologies would develop into a mammoth in promoting its success and growth. Only setting up the website is not enough. The representation model, sound engineering techniques, quality standards and affiliation techniques makes sure that its representation over the internet is strong and makes a presence really promising. Question 3: In order to more quickly realize and sustain its profitability should have remained a solely clicks based e-business (without warehouses) selling only books? Why or why not? Answer 3: Amazon’s decision to cater to several products would definitely move its primary base of selling books to other products. This is a sort of erosion of its primary brand which it created for selling books. The very brand creation and sustenance for selling books online had created a larger market share for book selling. The various bookstores at that time were in greater risk concerning their sales as Amazon grew in its market share for selling books. It was a brand which no one could deny. Its decision towards clicks business for selling other products over books makes sure that monopoly was broken to some extent and other small to medium sellers in the market found opportunity to make some business. These created a balanced view for existence in the marketplace allowing every dimension of sellers and customers to interact for good. Another reason for making the right move is for long term business continuity and spreading its wing to several other products which did not make it to the internet in that era. Amazon’s decision to be clicks based business must be changed into â€Å"clicks and mortars† business model for improving its supply chain by making it efficient and effective. The effective supply chain would cut down extra costs of transportation and shipping and would in turn create trust for its safety and quality policies. Warehouses would make sure that timely delivery of products can be made at lesser costs, which otherwise would create a sense of misunderstanding and evolve privacy and security aspects to a larger scale. Question 4: How can complete Bezos’s vision? What do they need to do to individualize their services to 25 million customers? Answer: 4 must fetch the customers according to their tastes and product liking. The following can be the various options that can be exercised: Provide a survey with questionnaires of what is important, how it can be bettered, what else is desired and so on. The survey questions would serve quite helpful in fetching the right suggestion from its customers to in turn get them everything they desire. The adoption of B2B and C2C model where various sellers and buyers can meet for selling the products of their choice. This would help users to customize according to their preferences so that more number of customers is fetched for purpose. The customer logs must be duly analyzed for fetching the right decision and data mining approaches to the vast data can be devised for getting the facts out for better customization of products and services. Request boxes and techniques must be presented so that in case a customer fails to find exactly what he desires, he can make a request for the new product. This would help to fetch the needs in micro detail for better capturing of the customer base. The above approaches would enhance Bezos’s vision to cater to individual needs and demands. Amazon is a virtual reseller, one of the main new intermediaries (Sarkar, 1996.) They are an electronic-commerce only intermediary; business and customer relationship management (CRM) is conducted purely via their website; a virtual marketplace with no direct contact between buyers and sellers. Amazon have created a virtualized value system through their accelerated ordering, delivery and payment of goods and services, while reducing operating and inventory costs associated with traditional bricks and mortar stores. This model demands a change to bring every buyer and seller to meet for catering individualized services. References Sarkar, M., Butler, B. Steinfield, C. (1996) Intermediaries Cybermediaries. Amazon in ECommerce com has revolutionized the selling and purchasing of all products over the internet. It started with selling books over the internet and progressed in selling almost all consumer goods within a short span of time. Its engineering and quality principals make sure that all the various standard compliances are met and justified for improving the system behavior for its customers. Customers have now moved from the brick and mortars model, a traditional model for purchase of products, to the click and mortars model for ease of access, anytime anywhere access, take part in auctions and avail several promotion offers and gifts. The very perspective towards retail buying has been changed by The virtual store concept is quite likely followed by many retailers after the success of and they have created a benchmark for its products and selling models define the very success over the long period since its inception. Question 2: Comparisons have been made by giant bookstore retailer Barnes Nobles and Barnes and Noble operate dozens of bookstores in many local communities. Yet’s reach goes anywhere and everywhere with the Web. What, in your opinion, should Barnes and Nobles do to compete with Answer 2: Barnes and Nobles must identify the very future requirements for its physical bookstores and come up with â€Å"click and mortars† model for fetching the right customer focus and model. Identifying the competition around and the changing outlook of the customers towards decision making for purchasing products is the greatest differentiator for change. The decision making for taking the business of Barnes Nobles over the internet would make sure that all the various present disadvantages would be capitalized upon. The brand mark of Barnes Nobles makes sure that every activity towards the envelopment of skyrocketing technologies would develop into a mammoth in promoting its success and growth. Only setting up the website is not enough. The representation model, sound engineering techniques, quality standards and affiliation techniques makes sure that its representation over the internet is strong and makes a presence really promising. Question 3: In order to more quickly realize and sustain its profitability should have remained a solely clicks based e-business (without warehouses) selling only books? Why or why not? Answer 3: Amazon’s decision to cater to several products would definitely move its primary base of selling books to other products. This is a sort of erosion of its primary brand which it created for selling books. The very brand creation and sustenance for selling books online had created a larger market share for book selling. The various bookstores at that time were in greater risk concerning their sales as Amazon grew in its market share for selling books. It was a brand which no one could deny. Its decision towards clicks business for selling other products over books makes sure that monopoly was broken to some extent and other small to medium sellers in the market found opportunity to make some business. These created a balanced view for existence in the marketplace allowing every dimension of sellers and customers to interact for good. Another reason for making the right move is for long term business continuity and spreading its wing to several other products which did not make it to the internet in that era. Amazon’s decision to be clicks based business must be changed into â€Å"clicks and mortars† business model for improving its supply chain by making it efficient and effective. The effective supply chain would cut down extra costs of transportation and shipping and would in turn create trust for its safety and quality policies. Warehouses would make sure that timely delivery of products can be made at lesser costs, which otherwise would create a sense of misunderstanding and evolve privacy and security aspects to a larger scale. Question 4: How can complete Bezos’s vision? What do they need to do to individualize their services to 25 million customers? Answer: 4 must fetch the customers according to their tastes and product liking. The following can be the various options that can be exercised: Provide a survey with questionnaires of what is important, how it can be bettered, what else is desired and so on. The survey questions would serve quite helpful in fetching the right suggestion from its customers to in turn get them everything they desire. The adoption of B2B and C2C model where various sellers and buyers can meet for selling the products of their choice. This would help users to customize according to their preferences so that more number of customers is fetched for purpose. The customer logs must be duly analyzed for fetching the right decision and data mining approaches to the vast data can be devised for getting the facts out for better customization of products and services. Request boxes and techniques must be presented so that in case a customer fails to find exactly what he desires, he can make a request for the new product. This would help to fetch the needs in micro detail for better capturing of the customer base. The above approaches would enhance Bezos’s vision to cater to individual needs and demands. Amazon is a virtual reseller, one of the main new intermediaries (Sarkar, 1996.) They are an electronic-commerce only intermediary; business and customer relationship management (CRM) is conducted purely via their website; a virtual marketplace with no direct contact between buyers and sellers. Amazon have created a virtualized value system through their accelerated ordering, delivery and payment of goods and services, while reducing operating and inventory costs associated with traditional bricks and mortar stores. This model demands a change to bring every buyer and seller to meet for catering individualized services. References Sarkar, M., Butler, B. Steinfield, C. (1996) Intermediaries Cybermediaries.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Is Globalization Americanization Part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Is Globalization Americanization Part 2 - Essay Example Of course, like in every race, there is always one winner. Until recently, the globalization winner was the United States of America. The undefeated champion of globalization, it is now facing the dire threat of being dethroned from its much-earned pedestal by China; a country trying desperately to maintain, if not reduce, its shocking level of economic prosperity. However, it has as yet not managed to push over the American Economy’s influence completely as more than 90% of the world’s population is more than remotely familiar with American products. (Mendis, 2007) From McDonald’s to Nike, the American market has taken over the hearts and minds of consumers worldwide. There is not a child or adult out there who is unaware of the powerful tug American brand names have on the world’s populace; they may not have roads in Sarajevo, but the people of Bosnia have at least one McDonald’s outlet to enjoy to their hearts’ content. According to the toughest of critics, globalization is simply another form of Americanization; whereby the global culture is overtaken by that of the American nation. The truth of these words can be seen in the surroundings of many a consumer. The Pakistani Northern Areas may be suffused with a hair-raising war, but the country in itself cannot imagine living without McDonald’s at least once a week; or being deprived of the privilege of watching How I Met Your Mother almost every other day. This rapid pace of globalization has also been termed by many an acclaimed critic as ‘glocalization’; a hybrid of globalization and localization. A common phenomenon found in most countries, glocalization has many national governments at a loss. The American culture has spread far and wide; through the advent of globalization, it is now a part of other cultures, as ingrained in society as the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Contrast and compare occupational therapist and registered nurse Essay

Contrast and compare occupational therapist and registered nurse - Essay Example A Registered Nurse (RN), on the other hand is a professional qualified to perform health care and practice nursing through assessment, planning and implementation of the required level of nursing for the sick and injured. While therapists concentrate more on physical rehabilitation, disabilities in learning and improving mental health, registered nurses are widely associated with the care, medication and health maintenance of a patient. â€Å"Nurses do a lot of chores that occupational therapists don’t have time for. This includes feeding, bathing, administering oral, subcutaneous, injectable and IV medications (Gavin R, 2008). Gavin R (2008), a retired nurse, also pointed out that nurses tend to the cleaning of wounds, console and comfort the patients and are a vital cog in medical emergencies. They can also assist the surgeons if there is a need. They keep all lengthy records and progress reports and also influence charting down of treatment and progress plans. Gavin (2008) further emphasised that a therapist’s job is not that easy but it does not contain the variations that a nursing job has; a therapist normally devises rehabilitation plans on the basis of well-known methods. Nursing is mainly controlled and regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in the UK. It lays down all of the things that a person needs to do to qualify as a registered nurse and stay registered. To work as a registered nurse, the person must complete an education program that is recognized by NMC and meet the required standard proficiency level. This includes completing a degree or a diploma from a university offering a course in the chosen speciality. This leads to an academic award and professional registration as a 1st level registered nurse. These courses are normally three to four years long and are a 50/50 split between learning in university, and practicing patient care in a hospital or community

Chaos Theory on Financial Forecasting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chaos Theory on Financial Forecasting - Essay Example According to the chaos theorists, chaos has two most important attributes which are both necessary for existence of a chaotic system but not sufficient; one, extreme sensitivity to its initial conditions (Ruelle, 2001:37-9), and two, complicated patterns of nonlinear relationships in it which are not truly random (James, 2003:123-6). The first attribute can be described in a way that as time progresses in a continuous chaotic system, the parameters are so distinctly determined that to reach (or to predict) a certain desired point, knowledge of the initial starting point of system gains extreme importance. A meteorologist named Edward Lorenz, who was trying to predict, first observed this factor weather conditions by using a computer simulation. He noticed that he made simple decimal mistakes that lead extreme distinct results as outcome (Lorenz, 1963:1-25). This was actually a hotspot in chaos theory history, which leaded scientists to think about fallacies made in the past by the us e of word "negligible". The other attribute maintains the properties of relationships among the parameters in a system. Today we know that without complex no linearity, the system will usually be predictable and will not be oversensitive on initial conditions as it depends on non-linear scenarios. Some common misunderstanding among daily use of the word "chaos" mainly appears because of its literal meaning as lack of order. Contrary to this misnomer, in most cases systems that show a pattern of deterministic chaos are quite reared and even predictable on short time scales. Solution paths to chaotic systems are basically deterministic in their nature. Chaos theory generally assumes that, if complex interrelations among the particles of a system are known, then future movement of system is predictable. Regarding this property of chaotic systems, it is now possible or will be possible to find solutions to some problems in science that can't be solved before because of their complex nature. 2. Chaos Theory in Economics Throughout the development of economic theory, from Ancient Greek Philosophers to Today's sophisticated theorists; many different ideas shaped the evolution of economics. Although the assumptions, progress and results acquired are different, almost any theory has the same base point showing economics' as a unitary environment. The unitary term comes from the aspect of economy as being an entity that consists of sub-entities. These units are mainly the consumers and producers taking decisions to survive in the ecosystem of economics. It is an obvious fact that the decisions of particular objects in this system lead the way to the general movement of system. This nature of economics is the key feature that embraces Chaos Theory and economics, in the way that; Chaos Theory tries to explain, how does the behavior of small particles effects each other and the system as a whole and economics as being a social science that struggles with problems

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Eliminating the Home Mortgage Tax Deduction Essay

Eliminating the Home Mortgage Tax Deduction - Essay Example White argue that taxpayers were now allowed to deduct interest they pay on secured loan by qualified homes, either their main home or a second home. The loans in this case include first and second mortgages, credit’s home equity line and home equity loans. White (1) argues that recreational vehicles and even boats may also qualify as home in case they have cooking sleeping and toilet facilities. White notes that millions of US homeowners depend on the Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction as a way of reducing their true cost of homeownership and have more disposable income. This interest is filed on form 1040 of schedule A accompanied with other itemized deductions such as medical expenses, real estate property tax and donations. In this case, taxpayers are expected to fill in Schedule A, to determine if their itemized deductions exceed the standard. If this is proved so, then taxpayers will save more money based on their taxes by itemizing. Over the past years, many issues and cont roversies surrounding Home Mortgage Tax Deduction have arisen as to whether or not it should be scraped. Many economists consider it a waste of money due to concern about the federal budget deficit (Perez 1). They argue that Home Mortgage Tax Deduction does very little to assist in lowering income homeowners make the changeover from renters to owners. These economists say that Home Mortgage Tax Deduction only encourage upper income buyers to buy big homes to take bigger mortgages a view which I also concur with. This paper will discuss why Home Mortgage Tax Deduction should be scraped as a way of cutting the budget. History of the residential housing market Muth and Goodman (1) argue that housing is the most precious and unique commodity. In US for instance, about one-seventh of all personal consumption expenditures are on housing exclusive of other household operations and furnishing. They notes that residential real estate accounts for more than half of the US fixed capital stock and about one-quarter of the country’s gross lending investments are made up of construction of residential estates. Mortgage lending has however varied for one-quarter to one-fifth of all funds raised by Americas credit markets. United States is one country that has faced economic housing bubbles over the past few years affecting many parts of the countries housing market. For instance, the prices of housing peaked at the beginning of 2006 with a decline towards 2007 reaching its low recently in this year. For instance, at around December 2008, the home price index of Case-Shiller reported the largest drop in prices in America’s history. It is argued that increased rates of foreclosure between 2006 and 2007 among homeowners in US is what led to the crisis that hit the country in August 2008 for credit, subprime, mortgage, hedge funds. Leader of the realty and mortgage industries Economy Watch (1) notes that real estate industry emerged as one of the major industries i n the united states over the past few years. It argues that the housing bubble witnessed in Florida, California, and Michigan, and New York brought with it major changes in real estate in US. The housing bubble was the result of an increase in valuation of real estate in the US domestic territory. Economy Watch reports that mortgage lenders, commercial banks and other financial

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Monetary Control Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Monetary Control - Coursework Example It is very interesting to note that a bank losses money when a loan is repaid. The currency is destroyed and disappears from the economy entirely. Open Market Operations are one of the primary tools that the Federal Reserve employs to accomplish its monetary policy objectives (Axilrod, n.d.). They entail the acquiring and selling of government securities. The Federal Reserve has no power to choose whom it engages in business activities. The primary dealers operate on a price basis to gain access to the open market operations. Open Market Operations facilitate the Federal Reserve to influence the supply the reserve balances in the banking system. The effect is on short-term interest rates to spread to other monetary policy targets (Axilrod, n.d.). Open Market Operations allow central banks the flexibility to manage the volume of financial operations on their initiative. The domestic trading desk of the Federal Bank of New York under the supervision of the Federal Open Market Committee conducts open market transactions (Axilrod, n.d.). The federal funds rate does respond to changes in demand for and supply of the reserves in the banking system. It, therefore, shows a good sign of the existence of credit in an

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sexism is alive and well in the English language Essay

Sexism is alive and well in the English language - Essay Example Sexist language can be deliberate, concealed or controlled. The deliberate use of obvious and overtly derogatory sexist terminology is generally considered discriminatory and is patently unfair treatment of women as compared to men. The intention of concealed sexism is also deliberate and discriminatory but the delivery is of a covert nature. Controlled sexism is subtle and more usually not intended to be disparaging or harmful. This type of sexist language is integrated into society’s everyday speech, is considered to be normal and is not recognized by most people as the unfair or unequal treatment of women it is. â€Å"Subtle sexism is particularly interesting from both theoretical and practical perspectives because it may be quite prevalent, and may have an insidious impact on its victims†. Sexism as it exists in language is a controlled manner of speaking that perpetuates gender stereotypes and reinforces status disparities between men and women. Those less sensitiv e to sexism as a whole tend not to define the demeaning terms they use as sexist language. These people are of the opinion that sexist language does not exist or are either consciously or subconsciously trying to safeguard traditional patriarchal social hierarchies. Those persons more receptive to sexism and the harm it causes do attempt to adjust their speech patterns so as not to offend. People may use sexist language simply because the use is habitual and they find it hard to alter terms or phrases used most or all of their lives.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Predictive Dream Essay Example for Free

Predictive Dream Essay In this paper I chose to visit the virtual museum of fine arts in Boston, MA. I chose, Predictive Dream, by a world famous artist by the name of Aoki Katsuyo. This piece of art is currently on display at Exhibition of Fine Arts Boston, New Blue and White. This happens to be a ceramic porcelain piece of work from a series the artist created named Predictive Dreams, where skulls decorated in an excessive asymmertrical ornamentation style from cast porcelain formulate the series, . This work is neo-ornamentalism from Japanese contemporary art. Katsuyo has had many numerous solo exhibitions along with many awards. Katsuyo graduated with a BFA in painting in 1998 from Tama Art University(Tokyo, Japan). He appears to use ceramics as a form and means of deep feeling and expression that is very define and meaningful. Katsuyo stated the following about his work, The decorative styles and forms I allude to and incorporate in my works each contain a story based on historical backgrounds and ideas, myths, and allegories. Their existence in my present age makes us feel many things,: adoration, some sort of romantic emotions, a sense of fruitfulness, and langour from their excessiveness and vulgarity. And on the other hand, they make us feel tranquility and awe that can almost be I am able to express an- atmosphere- that is a part of the complex world in this age. In fact, the several decorative styles and forms I cite simultaneously hold divine and vulgar meaning in the present age, having an irrational quality and contradict each other, which I feel express an important aspect in the contemporary age in which we live. My artwork may remind viewers of a narrative story such as a fairy tale, a myth or religious objects used in ceremonies. That is to say, as if I went deep inside myself and came to be face to face with my inner shadow. In other words, it is almost like mystic experience seeing fantasy, daydreams, and awe. It might be because more technology and civilization develops, the more our inner shadow asleep which is deep inside our hearts,defines into its silhouette including mine. (Katsuyo) Choosing only one work of art was the most daunting task for the museum paper. From sculptures to photography it was difficult and nearly impossible, to choose just one piece of work. So my decision stemmed from the want of something interesting, unique, and contemporary in appearance that would be characteristic of the present to a bold and beautiful piece of work that I would not mind owning myself. There is something about this piece of art that I cannot quite define, something uncomparable and radically distinctive, that I simply cannot grasp and put my finger on and for a multitude of reasons, it is really fascinating and aesthetically pleasing to me personally. The porcelain medium and its large scale of elaborate and complicated detail make this piece of work intriguing and provocative, one that will likely stimulate discussion or even exciting controversy. As well as the artist uses a two-dimensional unique and incomparable form that I have never seen before and it is simply stunning and impressive to look at. This work in my opinion, and after careful observation, does not have a lot of variety with it being composed of one medium and does not have any color but a simple white. However, while lacking variety and an assortment of color arrangement, the work does display a nice abundance and healthy assortment of balance of unity with the use of porcelain, glossy white color, and with great in detailed lines. I believe Katsuyos work portrays a very equal balance in his work without the use of symmetry but instead displays asymmetrical balance. In this work there is also a lot of different calligraphic lines in several different layers that give it texture with their details throughout them. I feel very strongly as though this work is very expressionistic of him. After choosing this piece of work to discuss and write about I wanted to know more about this artist. I dedicated both time and effort into researching as much information as possible about him, read the artists statement as quoted previously some of his statement. I was captivated and very surprised because I could definitely see some of his form and content that he discusses in his unique and truly magnificent work. Some of Katsuyos appear to work primarily with ceramics, incorporating various decorative styles, patterns, and with symbolic forms. The works can appear simple but also be unusual and incredibly complexing. It is a skull formed together by swooping, lacy, and fragile ceramic tendrils. The porcelain skull has a feature of meticulous patterned details and almost appear to look like a coral you may see under ocean water. I really like the appearance of the life and death look and the first impression I get with this piece is actually a combination of feelings ranging from a solemn, comfortable and relaxing peace within and almost a dark, mysterious, slightly perplexing and uneasy type of reaction within myself. I find myself continually looking at this wonderfully brilliant piece of work and it amazes and completely fascinates me the time, patience, effort, skill, and critical thought process the artist has in mind. A person, such as I, can really truly appreciate the time, effort and dedication spent on such a small but yet meaningful piece of work that I am sure is adored, admired, and even possibly envied by many as of today and the future of ones that may have the opportunity to witness, observe and experience the unique appeal of this remarkable piece. The piece adds a beauty the cycle we have in this life. â€Å"The artistic expression for me however, while meaning something personal to me; can be described as a result of images from my imagination and fantasies. That is to say, as if I went deep inside myself and came to be face to face with my inner shadow. In other words, it is almost like mystic experience seeing fantasy, daydreams and awe. † (Katsuyo)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Example Answers for Marketing Management Exam Paper

Example Answers for Marketing Management Exam Paper 5. Identify and describe some problems and challenges to marketing managers in relation to change and innovation. Critically discuss the links between strategic marketing management and the change environment with particular reference to Levitts (1960) seminal article Marketing Myopia. In the marketing context, change brought about by economic recession, disruptive technologies usage and privation can all affect the stability of market environment (Sirmon, Hitt and Ireland, 2007). Global economy is accelerating at a fast rate giving way to competitive risks and opportunities. Therefore, effective strategic planning is incumbent that could help marketers to survive and improve their company performance in turbulent environments (Ireland and Hitt, 2005). Change environment and strategic marketing management: Strategic management involves the role played by managers to align business organization with changing environment. Mostly business organizations are being regulated on narrow vision, therefore in order to bring about change and innovation, the corporate vision of organization must be reexamined to define markets in a broader context. This was the crux of Levitts article marketing myopia, i.e. marketers focus on the products instead of customer. According to him the environmental change is not a major contributor in the problems faced by industries rather it is the constricted stance of their marketing managers or decision makers. It is basically the failure linked with the top managements inability to cope with the business beyond the narrow confines of conventional production procedures. False myths like prediction of an avid market share due to increase in population, absence of substitutes and total reliance on mass production lead to marketing myopia. Approach of the marketers should be customer centric rather than product centric as Levitt has rightfully given the example of Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motors who adopted the strategy to lessen cost price of cars to attract more customers. Technology cannot always guarantee successful market outcomes therefore sometimes firms have to give away their personal profits to gain long term market survival. The strategic marketing management and its interaction with the firms environment play a vital moderating role. As both components are regarded dynamic, it is less frequent that the firms succumb to the tendencies of marketing myopia. Contrary to that if the marketing environment is static, myopic stance is inevitable and the firm will have to suffer the consequences. For avoiding myopia, a firm will have to adjust with the changing market demands (Lichtenthal, and Iyer, 2003). Presentation1JJ.bmp Table: Typology of firm-environment links To deal with the change environment, firms can develop new strategies with the aid of Mckinsey 7S Model that have the tendency to foresee hard factors (e.g. systems, structure) and soft factors (like culture, education level of employees, shared values etc). The method is also helpful for merger and acquisition (Egner, 2009). mckinsey-7s-model-software_business___productivity_barcode_software-31759-screenshot.gif Hard Elements Soft Elements Strategy Structure Systems Shared Values Skills Style Staff 2. What are competencies and capabilities? Argue the importance of a marketing manager assessing business competencies and capabilities in the fulfillment of corporate and marketing objectives. Use examples of competences and capabilities to illustrate your answer. Competencies and capabilities: These concepts of strategic management refer to the ability of a business organization to provide the services being promised to potential clients. Both are interrelated but differ in their applicability in the marketing context. Competencies might be regarded as the skills possessed by a firm on which the marketing manager or retailer can make strategic decisions. These can be brought about by providing high level customer service or skills like utilization of modern technology by the marketing company. An example of competencies could be the CRM initiatives of the real estate firm, Barratt Developments PLC. Capabilities are reflected through the business organizations actual behavior encompassing the ability of the firm to expand its resource base in order to attain competitive advantage in the market. They can be judged on the basis of firms values, resources and processes (e.g. communication and decision making pattern). Importance of marketing manager: Every business organization possesses some core competencies that are required to be critically evaluated for proper market functioning in coming years. Therefore, managers of a business organization should start developing and planning strategies to achieve these competencies beforehand. For example with the wide scale implementation of the e-tailing concept, maintaining and designing of a website could be the competence that is deemed crucial for success among competitors (Sullivan and Adcock, 2002, p. 323). Skills can be bought in the retail sector yet the onset of developing skills is regarded a better option. Resources and skills for example the retail staff human resources should be honed into the capability for providing a service at a specific marketing level. According to Kotler (1997) for delivering satisfaction to the clients, a good marketing manager should be able to determine the needs for customer satisfaction and express them through organizations capabilities. By strategically investing in resources, development of capability and competencies should be planned by the marketing managers in relation to the marketing objectives set forth by the firm based on the knowledge of current business environment and strategies that are possible to execute. Although development of competencies and capabilities are sometimes difficult to control, managers must predict the future requirements by taking into account current needs (Sullivan and Adcock, 2002, p. 323).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Children and the Media/Advertising Essay -- essays research papers

It has been noted that the media and advertising industries have targeted the children in the process of selling products and services. Children are in the age range that is most influenced and are most desired for companies to sell products to. Minors are young and are therefore potential long-term consumers. Some of these advertising industries include companies selling credit cards, tobacco, alcohol, clothing and fast food. According to marketing expert James U. McNeal, PhD, author of "The Kids Market: Myths and Realities" (Paramount Market Publishing, 1999), children under 12 already spend a $28 billion a year. Teen-agers spend $100 billion. Children also influence another $249 billion spent by their parents. At the same time they are helping these companies prey and destroy little minds. According to him "Advertising is a massive, multi-million dollar project that's having an enormous impact on child development." "The sheer volume of advertising is gro wing rapidly and invading new areas of childhood, like our schools." A letter protesting psychologists' involvement in children's advertising was written by Commercial Alert, a Washington, D.C., advocacy organization. The letter calls marketing to children a violation of APA's mission of mitigating human suffering, improving the condition of both individuals and society, and helping the public develop informed judgments. It urged the APA to challenge what it calls an "abuse of psychologi...

Northern and Middle Colonies :: American America History

Northern and Middle Colonies When the northern and middle colonies were founded, England had a strong hold over the colonies. They controlled development and the government, among other things. But as the colonies developed, they began to have an ever-growing sense of independence that was a threat to its English rulers. As a result of this England went through much trouble in constantly trying to regain full control of the colonies. Early in the Development of Massachusetts and the other New England colonies, the government of England had paid little attention to the colonies due to civil strife back at home. This neglect gave the colonies a somewhat independent feel. When Charles II came back to power in England, he decided to take a more active role in the English colonies of North America and stop the defiance of royal rule that was taking place. His first action was to give a charter to both Rhode Island and Connecticut, squatter settlements, which was a slap in the face to the colony of Massachusetts, which was, according to Charles II, ignoring royal rule. In 1684, as a show of power, Charles II revoked the charter of Massachusetts. The next action taken by England was the creation of the Dominion of New England. The primary purpose of the Domination of New England was too promote the English Navigation Laws which were not being followed. The Navigation Laws were meant to stop trade with non-English ruled countries. Another purpose of the Domination was to defend the colonies in case of attack by Native Americans in the area. The Domination of New England was very harsh in its rule. Headed by Sir Edmund Andros, he limited town meetings and put restrictions on such precious things as the courts, press, and schools. The Domination continued its rule, much to the dismay of the citizens, until the Glorious Revolution in 1688-1689. When the news of this revolution reached New England the Domination was immediately deteriorated. And Andros was sent back to England. Just when the New Englanders thought they had retained the freedom they previously had, when Massachusetts was made a royal colony and given a new charter. More English officials, judges, and clerks were sent to Massachusetts, many of who was not ft to hold the professions they were given. This greatly outraged the citizens of Massachusetts and further imposed their need for freedom.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Admissions Essay: We Must Fight to Preserve Our Community

Admissions Essay: We Must Fight to Preserve Our Community When I was a little girl, I remember being asked what I wanted to be when I got older. Back then growing up seemed like centuries away, but the years have flown by like minutes. Now I am a month away from being a legal adult and on the brink of discovery. Opportunities are around every corner. This year I have asked myself what I want to have as my profession. The answer came without delay; I want to be a pediatrician. I have always loved people, especially children and the elderly, and I love going out in the community and getting my hands dirty. The area where I was born and raised, is in dire straights as far as the medical field goes. Good health care is hard to come by, and physicians have strayed from the values of kin...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

BPO: The Boon with a Twist Essay

The India business process outsourcing (BPO) ‘success story’ needs to be tempered with a strong dose of caution. The two issues that this paper seeks to raise viz. employees’ welfare and working at the lower end of the value chain, need to be addressed if indeed the BPO phenomenon is to be called a ‘boon’ for India. The paper discusses the state of the industry in India and the reasons why BPO is the ‘Big Wave’. However, the emphasis of the paper is on another aspect of the story that at best ignored and at worst completely discounted. Some vital questions have been raised like- what is the impact that this newly spawned industry is having on the millions that is now employs? Also, it is not just about the health of the individual that is of concern here. It is about the entire social, physical and psychological fabric of a nation that is slowly changing. From the perspective of the companies also, the high staff turnover must makes it increasingly expensive for India based operations to maintain and improve their quality of service. Another dark side of the story is that India is still working on the low end of the value chain of the business-processes. Over time India’s success will depend on moving up the value chain and make the competitiveness non-replicable by other low cost countries. Read more:  BPO Management System The paper concludes with some solutions to the above-mentioned problems, concentrating primarily on the employee welfare and moving up the value chain. This requires the concerted efforts of both the industry and the government. BPO: The Boon with a Twist â€Å"Yesterday upon the stair I met a man who wasn’t there He wasn’t there again today I wish that man would go away† The Sunrise Sector: An Introduction There have been various studies and papers highlighting how the BPO is the best thing to happen to the Indian youth since the Internet. And not without reason. McKinsey and Co. tell us that by 2008 India will have a whooping 5 million people employed in the BPO sector and will be able to boast of additional revenues in excess of $57 billion. We need this opportunity like never before. However, there is another aspect of the story that is relatively ignored by both, the industry captains and the popular press alike. This paper looks into that aspect of the BPO industry in India and attempts to question the ‘blind faith’ in the sector. It raises some vital questions like- what is the impact that this newly spawned industry is having on the millions that is now employs? Are the reports that we keep hearing, about over-stressed 22-somethings leaving their jobs and the irritable alienated-from-friends-and-family youngsters true? It is not just about the health of the individual that is of concern here. The entire social fabric of a nation that is slowly changing as fresh graduates suddenly find themselves with lots of money due to these sunrise sector jobs, but no time or energy to spend it. The Bright Side The major driving force in the BPO sector is money. In his or her first job, an Indian back-office recruit can easily earn between Rs.15, 000 and Rs.20, 000 a month, which may only be a tenth of what their US counterparts earn, but considering that in terms of the World Bank-calculated purchasing-power parity, $1 can buy four times as much in India as it can in the US, Rs.15,000 per month is certainly a lot more than pocket change to an average youngster. Competition, sense of achievement, and financial freedom are the other driving forces, say BPO professionals. A brief snapshot of how the BPO industry operates puts forth some very interesting facts. The BPO industry is built around the raison d’ etre of efficiency and cost-effectiveness. With the current focus on core business capabilities, many companies in the Western world are outsourcing select business functions to expert partners. BPO takes a set of activities and takes on the responsibility of reengineering the entire way the operation is done. The most popular BPO activity currently outsourced to India is Call Centre operations. Companies selling products or services very often promise 24Ãâ€"7 support through telephones, email or the Internet for their wares. These require a large workforce to constantly be ready at helpdesks with answers to questions customers may call in with. The cost of setting up a call center in the US combined with the cost of wages is 10 to 20 times the cost of setting up a center in a developing nation like India. Hence, these companies re-route the calls made to helpdesks for their products to Indian call centres. These calls are handled by Indians sitting in India and donning an identity (and an accent) similar to their US counterparts. In pure economic terms it is much more sensible to run cost centres like these out of India. The average savings are in the region of 20-30%. And in an age when a penny saved is a penny earned these savings can be used to fuel further growth. The Not So Bright Side: The Human Face One of the reasons that provides India this opportunity is that Indians have readily adapted to – and are working entirely in the US time zone. This phenomenon has only increased over the past few years, popularly known as working the ‘Graveyard Shift’. In its eagerness to pave the way for the BPO boom, the government is infringing on protections bitterly fought for, like the eight-hour day.1 Labor legislation governing employment of workers in this sector is being amended to allow for night-shift work, work during notified holidays in India, staggering of weekends off and the like. Registered trade unions already struggling against this onslaught. Various researches on this darker aspect present some hard facts: * There is an increasing number of BPO employees who leave because they can’t handle the pressure and schedule of jobs * For most of them stress at work is their biggest source of discomfort * Most of these stressed-out employees suffer from sleep-related disorders and have digestive disorders. * Women who work the night shift face an increased risk of breast cancer of up to 60 percent2. * Stress is leading to impairment of conventional social and family life. Difficulties are particularly acute for women with child-care responsibilities. The high stress and irregular hours are taking their toll on many of the mostly just-out-of-college employees. Nutritionists, doctors and psychiatrists say there has been a dramatic increase in call center employees coming to them with problems like hair loss, ear infections from contaminated head phones, ulcers and digestion problems, piles and sleeplessness. All this is having far reaching consequences on the lives of the individuals who are working in this industry. The Not So Bright Side: The Value Chain Outsourcing – a job that no graduate or educated person in the US wants to do is shifted to low wage developing countries like India where there are ‘high quality’ graduates to do the job. In fact that’s the main USP of India – English speaking, ‘high quality’ people being employed for work that may not require half their potential. If we take our best and brightest and put them in dead end outsourcing jobs, where is this country headed? NASSCOM is touting the BPO industry as the new wave. There is no denying that it creates jobs. However the real question is for how long and what kinds of jobs? The government is spending huge resources to educate the highly talented young people only to relegate them to mindless transaction processing. The lucre of these jobs can be ascertained from the disinterest shown the educated people in Europe and US. In these ‘sending countries’ its seen as a part time job – something a college dropout or housewife with time to kill would do. India needs to worry about her youth. The best and brightest go to the US and work there which is an intellectual drain for India. The others – and undoubtedly a lot of bright ones do remain – seem to be sucked by into this BPO machine. India cannot afford continue working at the lowest end of the value chain. Sooner or later Indian companies will have to realize – and fight for – the fact we need to do a little more of the ‘value-added work’. In the long run, the business model of Indian BPOs will become unsustainable and unless they re-engineer a transformation the entire sector will fail to exist as an industry3. Taking a Moment As BPO employees soon find out, money and the college-like ambience is not everything. Cultural shifts, loss of identity, stress due to continuous night shifts and adverse effect on health were only some of the problems that cropped up in several interviews with employees of BPOs. For youngsters it’s a trade-off between what they gain in poise and confidence, and what they lose out in family life and social circle of friends who were not part of this field. Suffering severe sleep disturbances, headaches and even blackouts, most spend all their time away from the job sleeping. And the only long-term solution they can suggest is to quit. Hence, it is of serious concern not only for the employees but also for the companies. The issue of quality of service is raised by the very high staff turnover rates in India, especially at call centres, where annual turnover is said to exceed 50 per cent. High staff turnover is reported even amongst the more established, employee friendly IT companies, some of whom offer stock options and residential accommodations to entice employees to stay on. High staff turnover must make it increasingly expensive for India based operations to maintain and improve their quality of service. This is due to the rising costs for hiring and training and the higher wages needed to attract quality employees. It costs an average of Rs.20,000 to train every Call Center employee4. With the attrition rate so high this is hitting the bottom line for these companies very hard. Moreover high dropout rates have much larger implications for maintaining consistent quality standards. It is impossible to maintain a high quality of service when the entire workforce turns over every 3 years.5 The Road Ahead This section deals with some proposed solutions to fight the two challenges. Improving Employee Welfare: In some countries where the call center industry has been there for a while, e.g. UK and Australia a lot of understanding on what this unique workplace entails and what needs to be done about it, has evolved. For instance, in the UK, the government intervened a while ago with a local authority circular called ‘Advice Regarding Call Center Working Practices’. This circular lists in detail the stress factors and ailments peculiar to this industry, and has various measures to deal with them. However in India, no understanding of the problem exists. This is a serious concern not only from the employee’s end but also from the company’s perspective. The employers incur huge costs of agent attrition due to stress. It’s high time that the Indian government and the industry made some concerted effort on the lines of the above-mentioned countries and brought forth proactive measures of dealing with employee issues in call centers. Role of Companies Companies need to get their act together quickly if they have to arrest the high rate of inflation and avoid the high burnout rate among employees. One of the things to be understood is that the BPO sector is not yet being looked at as a career but rather as a stop-gap arrangement till a better job comes up. Unfortunately as is turns out the next ‘non-bpo’ sector job for most of these individuals turns out to be a fairly less paying one as well. Towards this end taking care of the employees well being becomes a priority for the companies. Most companies are already moving in this direction with well established programs that take care of the all round well-being of the employees with regular health checkups, reduced work hours, adequate training programs and a concern for the employees growth in the organization. Employee welfare will work on three factors each of which need to be understood by organization. Towards this goal an integrated strategy for employee welfare can be developed. Some specific recommendations regarding ensuring employee well being can include regular mental and physical check-ups for employees, periodic counseling on career regulating the number of night shifts worked in a row etc. More importantly, such programs wherein certain employees can avail of funding to aid further studies should be introduced. Role of Government An important part needs to be played by the government in regulating the industry with regards to labour laws. Although the government’s provisions to make it easier for the industry to grow at the pace it has are commendable, this growth cannot be had at the expense of human capital. It is necessary to safeguard the interests of the employees through enforced regulations to ensure sustenance. Specifically the government needs to re-look at * Specific regulations monitoring night-shift work * Monitoring work during notified holidays and weekends * Review of policies regarding food arrangements at workplaces * Policies regarding working of women at night – ensuring safety Moving up the value chain: Despite the fact that the world’s athletic shoes are produced in low-wage environments, their design remains firmly rooted in developed nations. Even today, despite all of the electronics manufacturing located in developing nations, the bulk of the value-added design remains in the developed nations. Taking on the ‘risks’ of the business-processes instead of simply reengineering them is one of the surest ways of convincing outsourcing companies to give greater value added work to the Indian firms. Similarly, it is important to forge alliances and partnerships of the outsourcing companies to convince them to trust us with their core processes instead on taking on fringe work. To summarize, in the end there are only two sustainable end-game models for companies in the BPO segment – the first is insight driven and the other is a platform model. Both of them leverage on proprietary capabilities of individual companies. Over time, a country’s competitiveness will eventually be commoditized and therefore become replicable. India is at that stage. For further growth a company will have to differentiate itself from the labor arbitrage and country competitiveness gamut and build on in-house capabilities that sets it apart. When Indian BPOs move away from the ‘replication’ model and start providing specialized value-added services for clients, they have a far greater chance of surviving, he said. The issue of differential time zones that forces Indian employees to take on jobs with permanent night shifts seems to be completely non-negotiable. However, by shifting the nature of work away from real time to delayed time, this too can be man aged in some companies over a period of time.    1 The Karnataka government has â€Å"simplified† labor legislations: Several barriers, including employment of women at night, flexible working hours, mandatory weekly offs have all been removed by necessary amendments to relevant laws to create an â€Å"optimal environment† for the growth of the BPO sector in the State. 2 A study (2001) by the Seattle based Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, in association with the National Cancer Institute 3 Presentation on the BPO landscape and possible end-game models at the NASSCOM ITES-BPO Summit in Bangalore in June 2003. 4 McKinsey-Nasscom study 2002 5 Went for Cost, Stayed for Quality: Moving the Back Office to India, paper by Rafiq Dossani, Senior Research Scholar, Asia/Pacific Research Center, Stanford University

Monday, September 16, 2019

Female Correctional Officers

Female Correctional Officers Jordan Beth Stevenson Introduction to Corrections October 25, 2012 Saeler Abstract This research paper consists of brief history of how female correctional officers came to be in the system and the court cases that hindered and helped their process. It also consists of the stereotypes and struggles the officers are faced with in this line of work; such as weaknesses and home life association. Sexual harassment and discrimination is a problematic topic that is unavoidable. Statistics will also be mentioned and explained throughout the paper.Being a female correctional officer is extremely difficult and is not encouraged, but it is possible. Female Correctional Officers Women have been involved in the criminal justice system since the beginning. Females have been trying to work side by side with men in every aspect of finding and controlling justice in society. However, women have not been able to work in all of the areas of the system. The correctional off icers of prisons are extremely necessary aspects since the Walnut Street jail in the criminal justice system, yet only men were able to fill that position until the 1970s.Going through the history of how women came to be able to work as correctional officers will give an insight of the challenges and struggles they went through and still fight today due to the stigma of being a woman. The stereotypes that follow female officers cause hiring and retaining issues amongst the work ethic and daily activities of the officers. Overcoming these problems had been a difficult task and still is being tackled in institutions today. Discriminations are also a problem, especially from the male coworkers.Women face possibility of sexual harassment everywhere they go. Working in a male offender facility increases those possibilities. Dealing with the differences between males and females as well as competing for the same position as a man causes tension in the workplace and in society. All of thes e aspects are large parts of the career for female correctional officers. History Women have been in the correctional system since the early 1930s working in the administrative department and as secretary-like positions.The idea of a woman doing more than just paperwork was unheard of and it was looked down upon when a woman tried to excel in anything more. In 1977 though, the U. S. Supreme Court heard a case that forced them to address the issue of women in the correctional system as a working officer. The case of Dothard v. Rawlinson stated that a woman was denied a position as a correctional officer at a male institution in Alabama. It stated she was denied the position because of the conditions of the prison and the predatory nature of the male inmates (Seiter, 2011, p. 406).Women were not seen as equals to men, especially in this department. After this case was publicized, organizations began forming in order to change the law so women could hold the positions they wanted and d eserved. The Public Service Employment Act had only hired men to work in male facilities and women to only work in female facilities. In 1977, The Public Service Commission announced that they were going to review the justification for the restriction and try to overturn it. The commission wanted to have the opportunity for all candidates to be equal in being hired.Certain human right acts also tried to help gain equality by auditing some government agencies to assure there was no discrimination. The Employment Equity Act was formed to enforce compliance for the employment standards (â€Å"Women Correctional Officers,† 2012). With this act, women were able to fight back against the department for the chance to be hired as equals to men. In 1979, a case was presented to the U. S. District Court of Iowa, Gunther v. Iowa, which stated that inmate privacy was not a valid reason to not hire women for the positions of correctional officers (Seiter, 2011, p. 06). When this case was determined, it forced all facilities to consider all candidates for the correctional officer positions. And, if they refused to still not hire females simply because of their gender, they could face being sued and having a bad reputation. It was problematic for most institutions at the time because there was a strong stigma against women, claiming they were not able to perform as well as men. Although women are statistically proven to not be as physically strong as men, it is not proven that they are not as good of workers as men.This logic was flawed and deservingly overturned. Stereotypes and Discriminations Women have stereotypes in every aspect of life. Stereotypes sometimes have a dominating affect on the hiring process and retaining the position. Although credentials and producing good work during your hours is what should count, it does not always take prevalence. It is proven that men are physically stronger than women. That does mean that women do not know how to fight or p rotect themselves. Women are trained the same as men in order to become a correctional officer.According to MacDonald (2012), the fact that women go through a menstrual cycle and have PMS can play a role towards their ‘weaknesses’ of being a woman. Many employers see this as a weakness and that it leaves a window of weakness during that time of the month due to the typical symptoms of a menstrual cycle and PMS. Symptoms such as fatigue, headaches or migraines, menstrual cramps, aggressive behavior and mood swings are the mentioned ones. What is not mentioned is that only 30 to 40 percent of women have PMS (Premenstrual syndrome facts, 2001).So putting this stereotype on all women is statistically wrong. Not only are aspects of every woman seen as weaknesses, but there are a few extreme females who make a title against all other women harder to stand by. A woman who plays the ‘poor helpless female’ or uses the fact that they are good looking to their advanta ge has a ripple effect in opinion of all women. If a male employer falls for the act and then the female employee is not an efficient worker; he stereotypes all women to be like that one bad employee. Women also get the stereotype of being promiscuous, especially if they are attractive.If a romance were to form at work, if a coworker hears of how you act with a boyfriend, or if she is single and flirts with one male coworker, it could get manipulated into that woman being a ‘slut’. It takes a long time and a lot of hard work to eliminate that stigma. All of these features are signs of weakness to the men they work with (MacDonald, 2012). Women can be and are as professional as men can be. In fact, it is more likely for a man to be promiscuous because the hormone in which cause sexual arousal is testosterone. Men naturally produce 4 to 7 milligrams of testosterone a day.Women produce only a tenth of that daily (Kryger, 2011). So, the overall biological sex drive is much higher in male then females. On the other hand, there are the unattractive or just want to do their job and not be social, they are labeled to be a lesbian most of the time. Female correctional officers also struggle with having balancing a home life while working the long and sometime odd hours of a correctional officer. Women are reprimanded for not being more involved with their children or families lives because of the mentality the older generation still has of the women should be a stay at home mother (MacDonald, 2012).Sexual Harassment Female Correctional Officers are faced on a daily basis with the possibility of sexual harassment. When working in a male facility, women are in very close quarters with sexually deprived offenders, including sexual offenders. The sexual tension among the men is going to be high but when a woman is mixed into the tension, the situation could easily escalate. There are three main models of sexual harassment that have been found in male prisons a gainst female officers. The first model is the natural-biological model.It is best explained as harassment that is not harmful but rather brought out simply by natural sexual attraction. Just by placing female correctional officers in the facility increases this type of harassment. The next model is the sociocultural model and is power driven. Men typically feel as they are better and stronger than women both mentally and physically. So, the differences between genders in any workplace could bring out this type of harassment. The last type is the organizational model. This model is best explained by the hierarchical relations.By having a woman in power, such as a correctional officer, the male in a less powerful position want to be in power so they try to use sex to bring the female down to their level or lower. It is a manipulative attempt (Savicki, Cooley and Gjesvold, 2003). All three of these types of sexual harassment are unacceptable and instead of offering more readily availa ble programs to help sexual offenders, the solution is to take the women out of the correctional facilities. The question then lies; what happens to the women on the streets or in the homes of the offenders once they are released from prison?The inmates can find several ways to harass the female officers from simply calling them names like â€Å"sexy†, among other names on much worse levels, to actually masturbating and ejaculating on to the officers as they walk by. Some inmates will act ill or as if they are in trouble to lure the officers into or close to the cell for a chance to grab at the officer in a sexual manner (Monthly law journal, 2010). Even though the name calling seems minor and almost unimportant compared to physically being harassed in some way, both actions take a toll on the mentality of the officer.The mentality strength of both men and women are about equal. This says that if a man in a female facility were to undergo similar harassment, they too would fe el the mental stress and damage being done. Yet, men are still in female prisons and have been since the first female institution was established. Statistics Female correctional officers make up 22. 3% of all employees in the department in the United States (Ronquillo, 2008). Female correctional officers are typically single, either never married or divorced.The stress on both the woman and the spouse is higher than most careers due to the high risk of the job. It has also been shown that women are more likely to have attained a higher education than males (Savicki, Cooley and Gjesvold, 2003). With more education, it opposes a larger threat on the males working along their sides because they could more easily get a better position or be promoted. A higher education also gives an advantage as to adaptation and flexibility to a variety of different careers, including moving up from a correctional officer to a warden.Females also tend to view their job differently than men. Women are l ikely to choose a corrections position with the interest in human service or rehabilitation, whereas men primarily will seek the career of law enforcement or other security aspect (Savicki, Cooley and Gjesvold, 2003). The mindset of women, although different from most men, is still fitting for the position of correctional officer. Conclusion For women living in and trying to compete in a male dominated world seems impossible.Female correctional officers have many difficulties and challenges to overcome by not only the inmates, but by their coworkers and administrative personnel. It was a struggle to initiate being in the field of corrections and it is still a struggle today to get a position and retain that position. Stereotypes, sexual harassment and the severity of the job alone are factors a female correctional officer has to conquer. To keep the position they have to fight harder than men. It is not an easy career to maintain but that makes it even more rewarding when one does s ucceed. References 2001). Premenstrual syndrome facts, disease nutritional support strategies. Retrieved from http://www. healingwithnutrition. com/pdisease/pms/pms. html Kryger, D. (2011, February 13). Women and testosterone. Retrieved from http://www. wellnessmd. com/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=64&Itemid=106 MacDonald, J. (2012). Women in corrections. Retrieved from http://desertwaters. com/? page_id=733 Monthly law journal article: Civil liability for sexual harassment of female employees by prisoners. (2010). Retrieved from http://www. aele. org/law/Digests/jail137. htm

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Personal Computer and Dell Essay

Synopsis: In 1984 Dell Inc. was founded by University of Texas freshmen, Michael Dell. Dell would buy computers from the excess inventory of local retailers and revamp them to sell out of his trunk. Dell was able to sell his computers at 10%-15% below retail price. After Dell’s freshmen year he dropped out to run his business full time. By 1995 Dell had sales of nearly $3. 5 billion and was one of the top five PC vendors in the world. Dell focused on customer support and service and became the master of process engineering and supply chain management. Dell has faced many challenges including distribution through US retail stores, management changes, and keeping up with its competitors. Since consumers aren’t willing to pay huge amounts of money for computers unless they were unique, Dell is at a crossroads. Which road Dell chooses to follow will determine its future. Resources: Dell Inc. ’s most valuable resource has been Michael Dell and its ability to sell computers at 10-15% below market value. Another huge resource is the executive team that Dell formed for guidance. Capabilities: Dell’s capability at producing products at a lower cost to its consumers is key. By adding services such as laptops, software/peripherals, servers/networking, services, and storage Dell expanded its capabilities. With the added services Dell can keep pace with its competitors. Core Competencies: Dell’s core competencies are the ability to offer quality products at cheaper prices, personalized orders, and the ability to keep their inventory relatively low. These competencies have helped Dell become a leader in the computer industry. Finding of Fact: Dell is currently at a crossroads; the company’s margins aren’t in a favorable position for the company. In 2010 yes their net income rose, but was still only 2. 91% of net revenue. Dell’s consumers are no longer willing to pay top dollar for a computer, unless it was unique. Competitors are selling laptops for around $300. Tablets have pushed Dell’s laptop sales down as well. Many more competitors have stepped into the industry since Dell first was founded. Dell also spends about 1% of its sales on research and development, while other companies spend about 5%. Justified Recommendation: Dell should invest more of its money into research and development for its products. Technology is constantly changing and for Dell to stay ahead or at least at the same pace, research and development is a must. I’m not saying Dell needs to go out and hire some new employees for this team. Dell could use members from each of its sections to help brainstorm and come up with new and innovative ideas. Innovative employees are invaluable to a company. Dell’s management should perform environmental scanning both internally and externally to find Dells SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). Once SWOT is determined management could strategically figure out how to move forward. Environmental scanning shouldn’t be done just when a company finds it has â€Å"hit a bump in the road†, but periodically to keep the company innovative and make sure it is on the correct path. Dell should also perform an industry analysis. This analysis will review potential entrants, buyers, substitutes, suppliers, other stakeholders, and competitors. By completing the analysis a company can determine the high and low forces against the company. The low forces could be turned into a possible opportunity or based on the analysis results, the company could switch strategies.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Is communication e cattle without the logical connectives such as or, ND, implies, not, if and only if ? [200 words] 5. Why we treat mathematical truths as certain? Why in logic we me- aphasia on autologies† 2 rather than contradictions? [200 words] (Consistency) an attribute of a logical system that Is so constituted that none of the propositions deducible from the axioms contradict one another 4. [n] – a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts Tautology: a statement that is necessarily true (like 2+2-4) 1 6. What is wrong with the following argument?The more you study, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. The less you know, the less you learn. So, why study? 7. Analyze the following argument: God is All Powerful, omnipotent and omniscient. If God can do anything, can He create something that even He can't a etc? (e: A stone so heavy that He can't lift It) God can do anything that Is Possible. Even God can't do something that Is not possible to be done Can God create a stone so heavy that even He can not lift it? 8.In a harsh totalitarian country an innocent person is arrested on Sunday evening and Marilyn condemned to execution, which they are told will take place on one of the following eve mornings. To make matters worse, they are told that they will not know the day before which morning it will be. After several hours torment the prisoner fails into a peaceful sleep as they realize that such a threat cannot be carried out. They reasoned thus: The execution cannot take place on Friday morning; for if they are still alive on Thursday night then the execution must take place on Friday.But they were told that they would not know the day before which day it would be. So it cannot be Friday, and so Friday can be counted out as a possibility. But by the same reasoning it cannot be Thursday either. For if they are still alive on Wedn esday night then the execution must take place on Thursday. But they were told that they would not know the day before which day it would be. So it cannot be Thursday, and so Thursday can be counted out as a possibility. But by the same reasoning it cannot be Wednesday either†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. The same reasoning covers Wednesday, Tuesday and Monday and so the prisoner can have a sound nights sleep.The prisoner is, however, greatly surprised to ND themselves facing the executioner on Wednesday (or indeed any other) morning. What went wrong with the prisoner's reasoning? Write down the steps clearly and show how paradox 3 arises in the above situation? Paradox: An apparently sound argument leading to a contradiction. Some famous 2 PHI 142: Introduction to Logic Mid Semester Exam Date: 19 February 2013 Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Indian Institute of Technology Kanata Answer all of the following questions. Write answers in a separate booklet.Max. Marks: 30 Time: 2 hours; 1 7. 30-19. 30 PM We may define faith as the firm belief in something for which there is no evidence. Where there is evidence, no one speaks of . We do not speak of faith that two and two are four or that the earth is round. We only speak of faith when we wish to substitute emotion for evidence. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Bertrand Russell Answer whether the following statements are True or False. Justify it prefer- ably with a very short answer. 1. The following argument is valid: If computers can reason, they can ask questions. Computers can reason.Therefore, computers can ask questions . The following argument is an instance of Fallacy of accident fallacy . † Oh my lord, don't take any courses in the biology department not even as open elective, as they are really tough and terrible. I took EBBS:322 and it was a disaster. † 3. The categorical propositions, All who are non intelligent are non-college students and all who are college students are intelligent are contradictory to each other 4. I am sure that you will agree that we should not vote Mr.. Panky Saxons for the next presidential elections in this hostel.If he gets elected, we will all be deprived of mom of the privileges that we are enjoying at this moment. Anyone not agreeing with this will be fired immediately from this wing A-top. In the above argument, the arguer is said to be committing straw-man fallacy. 5. False Cause fallacy is committed when the conclusion rests on the presumption of a causal link between two phenomena, when in fact all that has been shown is a correlation. No concepts are expressive intuitions on aversion converts to All concepts are non- expressive intuitions 7.The categorical propositions, All logic students are bright people No logic students are non-bright people re contradictory to each other. 8. The following argument is invalid If Newton's theory is correct, then light should not be deflected by gravity. In this experiment, we can see that light is deflected by gravity . Therefore, Newton's theory is not correct PHI 142: Introduction to Logic Mid Semester Exam Date: 19 February 2013 2. Which of the following passages contains arguments and which are not I. E. , Non-arguments 1 . If there is one theme that will be the topic of digital business this year, it is mobile.Commerce, which tracks Web and mobile usage, published a report about what hap- need in 2012, and what to expect in 2013. It shows that the effects of a movement toward mobile are everywhere, from shopping to media to search. According to the report, â€Å"2013 could spell a very rocky economic transition,† and businesses will have to scramble to stay ahead of consumers changing behavior (anytime. Com). 2. Ordinary glass is soda lime glass and is a mixture of silicates of sodium, potassium, calcium and aluminum etc. It is brittle because its molecular structure is composed of tetrahedral crystals.These crystals do not have a good large area orderly resealing structure. 3. People are not free, although human freedom has been highly prized throughout our history. Its value is affirmed by religious doctrines. Civil and criminal Justice systems incorporate the idea that behavior is freely chosen into sentencing guidelines. Clearly it has been an important concept in many areas of human activity. 3. Identify the type of Fallacy of Weak Induction from the following arguments 1 . I cracked most of my crucial exams (board exams) in the past while wearing my green tea shirt and writing an exam with my parker pen.Therefore, green color tea hire with a parker pen is a lucky combination and brought lot of success. Hence I should not forget to take it when I go for an exam again for achieving success in the exam. 2. If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination. Once begin upon this downward path, you never know whe re you are to stop. Many a man has dated his ruin from some murder or other that perhaps he thought little of at the time. 3.Famous theologian William Palely argument from design suggests that a watch and the universe are similar as both display order and complexity. If order and complexity constitute evidence of design in the case of a watch, though, then they must also constitute evidence of the product of intelligent design that the universe must be a product of intelligent design too. 4. In 1742, Christian Goldberg conjectured that every even number greater than 2 is the sum of two primes. Mathematicians have been trying to prove Schoolbag's conjecture ever since, but no one has succeeded in doing so.After two and a half entries, I think we can safely conclude that Goldberg was wrong. 4. Identify the type of Fallacies of Relevance 4 committed by the following arguments. Justify your answer with a brief explanation 1 . Social Security old age benefits ensure you can retire with d ignity. If you become injured or are unable to work, Social Security disability benefits will help keep you afloat. But, Mrs.. Sheila's arguments against cuts in Social Security are worthless. As a recipient of Social Security benefits, she would naturally be expected to argue exactly the way she does. Page 2 of 4

Friday, September 13, 2019

Is business bad for science & stop selling out science to commerce Essay - 1

Is business bad for science & stop selling out science to commerce - Essay Example The paper seeks to show that commercial influences on scientific research have become increasingly detrimental. First, commercial influences on scientific research have led to failure to release some of the scientific results seen as harming industries. For example, the results may be on danger posed by certain substances or drugs produced by companies. As a result, such companies are most likely to engage in a campaign that will ensure that such results do not come to the public limelight. A classical example is seen through Nancy Olivieri of Toronto University (Slaght & Pallant, 2006). Olivieri notes that that one of drug companies engaged in a campaign that she did not publish her results concerning a drug she found to have a high level of toxicity (Slaght & Pallant, 2006). The allegation is serious knowing that such drug will be in the public for use. Hence, this is not just unethical, but also detrimental to the public as it may lead to serious short and long term harm. Secondly, the influence of business on science has made it difficult for public to know how various advancements may be harmful to health and environment. Most of the research is done with little focus on the public concerns (Slaght & Pallant, 2006). The focus has been on ensuring their competitiveness, and business groups have been able to have their way with funding from bodies concerned with research. For example, genetic has been seen as playing a leading role in agriculture due to such influence. Hence, other environmental friendly approaches have been ignored such as minimal use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides (Slaght & Pallant, 2006). In addition, through funding most companies ensures that results are favorable to them. There has been damning evidence mostly in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology sectors. For example, it has been established that funders mostly choose scientists that are

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Two Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Two Companies - Essay Example Toyota is also facing legal problems like Harrison Keys, in suits against them for faulty car parts. The Company has responded to the crisis that has necessitated recall of its vehicles by promptly hiring new engineers, hiring 979 engineers within the span of 2005 as compared to merely 310 in 2001. The company also carried out plans to hire 850 engineers in 2007. Moreover, the Company has also deviated from its corporate tradition of only hiring engineers who will stay and grow with the Company, focusing on hiring engineers in mid career. The Company has also issued numerous apologies and immediately recalled defective cars in order to avoid potential lawsuits, capitalizing on the good for the Company in the public eye. There are hectic efforts underfoot within the organizational framework of the Company to look into the quality issues and to make the necessary corrections. The Company has also created two additional managerial positions that are dedicated to maintaining quality control. These measures appear to have worked in the interim to help the Company maintain its sales figures. The fact that the Company is focusing on addressing the quality concerns and taking steps to redress the problems, appear to have reassured the public, which is used to the high quality of Toyota vehicles. The latest quarter sales figures showed that the Company is weathering the economic uncertainties and rising fuel prices in the global market and net profits rose to nearly $4 billion in the last quarter. (Fackler, 2007). This further appears to indicate that customers are willing to reply upon Toyota’s long term reputation for quality and forgive the recent aberration which has taken place. The Ford Company has also experienced problems similar to the scenario presented in the Harrison keys issues case, where disruptions such as selling off non core assets and discontinuing models

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

EQUITY AND TRUST Critically examine the contribution made by the trust Essay

EQUITY AND TRUST Critically examine the contribution made by the trust to the following area of law Unauthorised profits made by a fiduciary - Essay Example This is a right in property that is held in a fiduciary relationship by one party for the benefit of another. The person or the organization who/that holds the title to the trust property is trustee and the person who receives benefits is the beneficiary. The creation of trusts is generally a conjunction with a will and other elements of estate planning. There is a frame work for the validity and limitations of a trust. There is a code that governs the affairs of the estates of deceased owners and intestate properties. This even determines the place, the intestate properties have to go thus enabling the importance of trusts and making the limitations as guidelines. 2 The concept of trust is widely used in charity purposes. According to Charity Act 2006 in UK, the charity organization is the one that is established for charitable purposes or the one which falls to be subject to the control of the high court in the exercise of jurisdiction with respect to charities. 3 According to public benefit test of the charities act 2006The concept of trust involves public benefit also. The charitable organisations need to be delivering public benefits. This should be according to the guidance of charity commission for England and persuaded by them. The public benefit nature of the trusts may result in the unauthorised benefits or profits for the fiduciary. 4 4. Fiduciary Duty Fiduciary duty contains obligations regarding loyalty and faithfulness. The execution of duties regarding loyalty and faithfulness may result in accruing unauthorised profits for fiduciary. As there is a chance of making unauthorised profit from the property, the fiduciary should be in a position to avoid potential conflict. To avoid unauthorised profits, the fiduciary duty should restrain unconscious abuse of legal power and position. This is due to the fact that the profits accrued by fiduciary by exploiting the legal power and position will erode the benefits of the beneficiaries. This concept makes a rule of public policy necessary that can be strictly applied against trustees to encourage good behaviour in them. According to James LJ in the case Parker v Mc Kenna in 1874 the strict enforcement of exemplary fiduciary propriety is required for the safety of mankind. 4.1 Commercial Use of Property: The commercial use of property by a fiduciary can be seen in large organisations and public companies. The companies that do business and mobilise capital from public come under fiduciary for the funds gathered from the public. The governance issue will be entwined in the commercial fiduciary. As the virtues regarding social welfare are minimised there is a chance of unauthorised profits for the commercial fiduciary in the absence of transparency and strict guidelines about the usage of property. Some experts opine that the shareholder supervision and control is necessary for good governance by a fiduciary. As there is a widespread view that there the execution of the work by a fiduciary cannot be judged by just shareholder value, the voting of the shareholder in company's general meetings is made compulsory for institutional investors. This makes the beneficiaries (shareholders) as the owners of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Public Administration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Public Administration - Research Paper Example However, new public management (NPM) overrides the earlier new public administration (NPA) and develops to cover wide areas of management functions. Classical Public Administration establishes principles and structures of organizations, which should guide in public administration, while the NPA counters classical PA through anti positivist, anti technical, and anti bureaucratic aspects and propose for relevance, change, values, and equity goals in public administration. NPM brings in the aspect of governments to operate just like businesses and relies on price change and neo Taylorism theories. Post modernism proposes for active participation of citizens or the society in dialogue and debates of public policies, before and during implementation to reflect their needs. It is build upon Haberman discourse theory. Finally, the paper draws a conclusion between public and private sectors. Keywords: Public Policy, Public Administration, Managers, New Public Administration, Classical Public Administration, New Public Management, Post Modern Public Administration, Organizations, Government, Principles, Change, Theory, Public and Private Sectors, Business, Efficiency Public administration is only a specific part of the broad concept of administration. In the past, people and even scholars have had differences in agreeing to which field the study best fits. Some argued that it best fits in science, while others believed it was an art or philosophy. Basically, since the scientific study of the facts of administration exist, it makes it a science, just as a field of philosophy, it deals with human beings and their management, and due to practical application of knowledge, it then becomes attached to art. The word administration focuses its attention on the cooperativeness of groups’ behavior to generate the basis value, which is efficiency.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Personal ethics development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal ethics development - Essay Example The process of testing rules comprises of its universality i.e. can the rules be universally applied to everyone or it treats people as ends but not the means. Every individual has some of the sources where he or she draws some of the basic principles in life that forms the basis of what is wrong or right behavior. In several instances, the following are some of the major sources of ethics. Childhood upbringing- every person learns ethics from his or her parents through either words or most importantly through their actions. I learned some of the ethics by observing and listening and observing what my parents as I grew up. Life experience- at a later stage in life, some of the events directly and consciously shapes the ethics of an individual. For instance, an individual who was treated unfairly during a road accident may most likely have negative attitude in life towards people who treated him or her unfairly. Religious beliefs- nearly most of the religions in the world teach similar code of ethics that emphasizes on respect for other people’s rights, honest and selflessness. Therefore, whether in business or in business situations, religious people act in a manner that is seen as being ethical A person’s ethics can be displayed in the place of work since an individual and the organization can both affect each other’s actions and behavior. Team leaders have a great impact on their team’s behavior and ethics. A place of work is a good place to learn ethics since employees affect each other’s psychology and moral behavior. Therefore employees act as each other’s source of inspiration Good ethics assist an individual in understanding his or her working environment. It also assists an individual to wheedle with team members both in junior and senior positions in a friendly way. This assists in creating conducive working environment thus increasing the performance level. A